Scott Halvorson D.N., Portland/Zurich/Prescott, Suisse/OR/AZ, Alternative Medicine, Counseling, Education, Health & Medical, Vegetarian, Oregon/Switzerland, nutrition, herbalist, mind, acupressure, body, alternative, health, healings, spirit, Tucson, Emotional, Alternative, Ministry, Love, psyche, Eugene, Oregon/Switzerland/Prescott/ Arizona, acupressure, acupressurists, Chinese Medicine, bodywork, alt-med practitioners, holistic therapists, holistic dentists, alternative therapy, holistic veterinarians, herbalists, herbs, herbal medicine, herbal remedies, herbal supplements, supplements, healing products, I Ching, I-Ching, divination, Chinese, future, Plant Spirit Medicine, herbalism,
Meta Keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code
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Social Data
Cost and overhead previously rendered this semi-public form of communication unfeasible.
But advances in social networking technology from 2004-2010 has made broader concepts of sharing possible.